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Harper, Phillip. "'The Subversive Edge': Paris Is Burning, Social Critique and the Limits of Subjective Agency." The John Hopkins University Press. 24.2 (1994): 90-103. Web. 18 November 2013.

Realness styling itself appears as the effect of a motivated regimen undertaken by specific identifiable agents, namely, the “voguers” who achieve…

Rhyne, Ragan. "Racializing White Drag." Journal of Homosexuality. 46.3 (2004): 181-194. Web. 18 November 2013.

Understanding the documentary subjects’ (poor, urban, black and Latino drag queens) performances of bourgeois femininity as coded via standards of…

Gregory, Christian. "Performative Transformation Of the Public Queer in Paris Is Burning." Film Criticism. 23.1 (1998): 18-37. Web. 18 November 2013.

This oversight is particularly telling if we consider the way that Paris also became the occasion for a discussion among academic cultural critics of…